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Q & A

Here are answers to the most popular questions.  Q & A is a new feature that will appear every month.  You are invited to send your questions to  I will answer you right away, and may choose to post it in our next newsletter.


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How should you clean lockets when changing aromas?


The wicks are very absorbent, so if not over saturated, should leave little residue in your locket.  If you are changing aromas on the go, the aroma from the new wick should overcome the previous one.  If you have been diligent about removing moist wicks from your locket between uses, a cotton swap dipped in alcohol will do the trick.  If however you have let your pieces sit with moist wicks for a long time, or if you are using a very resinous oil, you will need to use other oils for cleaning.  Pour a small amount of unscented oil into the locket and let it stand for a few hours.  Using very light friction, gently remove the oil with a cotton swab.  Never use abrasives on the metal which has been coated with a special protective finish.



Sure, I would like to receive a commission when someone buys AROMAWEAR because I referred them to your website, but I don't have a website or handouts of my own.  How does that work?


We just made that really easy for you by having labels and cards with the Aromawear collection picture or logo custom designed for you to include your personal link to our website (which automatically gives you credit when people use it to buy).  You can see them by clicking here  To get started, sign up to be an affiliate on the website to get your personal URL (web address for our site). Then if you want to shorten that or customize it go to And then go to and enter your custom URL onto your choice of business cards (which you can further personalize on the back) or labels which you can stick on to any materials you may already be sharing.
Sound complicated? For those of you who have already have your affiliate URL, you know that it took just minutes to get, and ordering your labels and cards will take just a few minutes more.


Can Aromawear deliver an accurate rendition of the fragrance as designed?


Yes it will!  Fragrance houses go to great pains to insure the consistency of a perfume's fragrance no matter when or where you buy it, but the moment you apply it to your skin, your body chemistry begins altering the formula. For some people this is a plus...but not for everyone. When you apply your fragrance to Aromawear's chemical-free natural wool wick, it is as neutral as the special paper scent strip in the store, but its density works even better in preserving the full range of notes in your fragrance. The scent will diffuse from the wick inside your jewelry or accessory piece without ever mingling with your body chemistry or chemicals in your clothing.


Other than how they look, is there a difference in performance between the 'Secret Locket' and the 'Royal Locket', and if so why would I chose one or the other?

Royal LocketSecret Locket


Yes there is a functional difference.  The Royal Locket diffuses aromas through the tiny holes around the edge of the locket.  As long as there is a wick moist with oil in the locket, the aroma will continue to diffuse.  If you want to interrupt the diffusion, you must remove the wick and place it in a wick storage case or throw it away.   The Secret Locket has a cover that retains the aromas that diffuse though the filigree heart.  Though one will experience a slight aroma when the locket is fully closed, the cover must be opened in order to experience the full impact of the aroma.   Because the cover is closed most of the time, oils will last for days or weeks (Though it is recommended that you remove moist wicks if storing for more than a day or two).  When choosing a locket there are some things to consider:

    You will choose the Secret Locket if:
  • You work or spend time in a setting where you do not want to impose the aromas on those around you. This includes traveling in a plane or car.
  • You inhale oils intermittently to manage recurring symptoms
  • The oil is very strong and you want to control your exposure
  • There is an oil you enjoy occasionally
  • There is an oil you carry in case of emergency
  • OR Because you love the way it looks
    You will choose the Royal Locket if:
  • You want constant diffusion to create and maintain your personal environment. Some examples include using Thieves or other antibacterial oils when you are in a germ rich environment; peppermint while you are driving, working or working out; eucalyptus when you have a cold; Peace and Calming when you are stressed etc…
  • You want to wear the aromas on a bracelet or have it on a key ring

Many customers use oils in both situations and eventually own one of each.  I personally wear both at once.  In the Royal Locket I will put one for my general mood or state, and then another one to balance that or for specific symptoms in the Secret Locket.  If you are into perfumes, and therapeutic oils, I recommend putting the perfume in the Royal Locket and the therapeutic oils in the Secret Locket.


How long will an aroma last in my Aromawear?


It depends on which Aromawear piece you are using, and how much oil you apply to the wick.
Oils placed in The Secret Locket and the Essential Card Case will last the longest as they both have a cover over the wick compartment. Oils are diffused only when the cover is lifted, so there is little evaporation. Oils put in the Royal Locket, Key Chain and Bracelet will evaporate much more quickly, as the piercing in the rim of this locket allow for constant diffusion.
Also, the variations in the chemistry of different oils cause them to evaporate at different rates. During the evaporation process the character of the aroma may change. Experiment with different oils and amounts and you will discover what works best for you.


How often should I change wicks?


There are two reasons to change wicks.
First, if your oil or fragrance has evaporated and has left an unpleasant residue.
Second, when you change aromas. If you are not intending to blend oils or fragrances on your wick, replace it with a fresh one.


What are the wick cases for?


Wick cases will preserve your moist wicks until you are ready to use them. You can be prepared for anything by applying an assortment of oils to your wicks in advance, and carry them with you in your Aromawear pouch. (Sure beats walking around with a bag full of bottles) .If you want to change oils, just swap out the wick, and store the original in a case of its own. Wick cases come in packages of 10, with 10 blank labels.



What is the Aromawear Affiliate program?


It is a reward system for referring customers to
When they make a purchase, you receive a commission.


Do I need to use the internet to be an affiliate?


No! When you receive your personal affiliate link to the Aromawear site You can use it any way you want.
If you have a website, newsletter or blog, we encourage you to post pictures and copy about Aromawear, and have your live affiliate link direct your customers instantly to our site. You can just as easily e-mail this link to potential customers and attach pictures to your e-mail.
If you do not use the internet in your marketing, you can write or print your link on your business cards and other printed materials. You can have an inexpensive stamp made which makes it even easier.


Can customers buy YL oils directly from your site?


No, the only oils Aromawear sells are in pre-scented wick samplers. If a customer wants to purchase YL oils, they see a message directing them to contact their YL distributor. We will only sell oils to our customers who do not have a distributor and have contacted us via e-mail.

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